Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Loose Tooth

About a week ago, Kenna suddenly started crying in sacrament meeting, hard and loud.  I had to take her out.  I haven't had to take her out of sacrament for a couple of years.  What caused all this drama, you ask?  One of her brothers hit her, maybe?  Oh no.  The cause was she had just discovered she had her first loose tooth.  Wow.  All my other children had been really happy about their first loose tooth.  I was taken by surprise.  She didn't want to lose her teeth, they are so pretty, how would she eat, etc.  I finally got her calmed down.  By the end of church, she was excitedly telling everyone about it.  Fast forward to this Sunday.  Kenna hadn't wiggled that tooth much, so it stayed put.  We had corn on the cob for dinner and I guess she forgot.  She took a big bite and all of a sudden that tooth was much looser.  This video pretty much sums up her response. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAIdFIvszC4 She finally settled down again, very worried that the tooth would fall out in her sleep and she would swallow it.

Monday morning. after she got up, her tooth fell out and she was all smiles.  She won't leave it for the tooth fairy yet though, she still wants to keep it   .http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AutwhDrTSH4


thompsonmania said...

I'm so glad you had your video camera on hand for that, I liked how she pushed her plate away at the end. That was great! Glad to see the Happy Kenna photo with the hole!

michandler said...

Always a big deal, that first tooth loss. Funny she got so upset about it at first. Cute new pictures of all the kids!

Lost Woman said...

Seems to be a speedy recovery from the trauma.

It's hilarious that she freaked out in church over it. (well hilarious for me who didn't have to live it)

jo said...

Silly girl, Kenna!