Sunday, August 15, 2010

Connor's Eagle

Connor's Eagle project actually started about one year ago.  He worked really hard for awhile to organize a project for our church that got scrapped about 6 months later due to funding problems.  In April we were approached about this project, building a bridge for Smithfield City.  I told his leaders that Mike and I WERE NOT Builders, and they said no worries-all three of them were contractors.  We waited all summer for the city to put in the I-beams.      
They did and the boys got started on Saturday.  We had no idea what a big project this was.  Thank goodness for a wonderfully kind contractor in our ward, who knew what he was doing.  He directed the project and provided all the tools.

First they had to cut the planks and bolt them into the metal i beams.

Then they build a railing.  It also had to be bolted in and the boys had to put on and tighten washers on the bottom.  This is them on some scaffolding.

Or you could just lean over the side.

The finished project.

These boys and Dads and Leaders worked so hard.  They were there from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm.  We were so glad they got it all done in one day.  We actually didn't think they would.  I fed them lunch.  I think they are all so proud of themselves and every time they see this, they will know what a good job they did.  Way to go 13th Ward and Connor!


Lost Woman said...

How cool is that?

Way to go Connor!

Boy you must have some awfully generous guys in your ward, but it looks like everyone worked pretty hard.

You have some good kids Miss Amy. (:

The Desiree said...

I am super impressed! The bridge looks great!!! I can't believe Connor will have his Eagle already! That is awesome.

Tell him that now that he is a professional he can come build a bridge over our canal on our property in Mackay.

My Angels said...

Ooober impressive!! What a great experience and sense of accomplishment for him, on a job well done!

crazy lady said...

Way to Go Connor! That is a fantastic project and one that he'll be able to go back to until he's an old codger telling his grandkids about it "back in the day...". Jaron did some trail clearing up to Bellas Lake in Copper Basin and it was cool to go back for several years, but in the way of nature it is hard to tell it now.
It looks like there was a lot of good effort and cooperation of leaders and boys.
AND congrats on getting the project done! I KNOW how big a deal that is :0)
When will he have his court of honor?

jo said...

Yeah, Connor! I bet that feels good...looks like he had lots of support...that's awesome.

thompsonmania said...

Those are great pics! I especially love that they signed it. Awesome job, Connor!!

michandler said...

Nice to see an Eagle project that isn't lame! Way to go Connor & team.