Sunday, January 9, 2011

It's all about Connor

Connor may have done his Eagle Scout Project back in Aug.  but we just got around to having his court of honor on Dec. 29th.  He actually had his border review and was approved as an Eagle on 10-10-10 which is nice because it's an easy date to remember.  Chase actually received his first 2 merit badges at the beginning.

  Three other boys also received their Eagle that night. 

 I had to speak a little about Connor, they presented each boy with his Eagle,

 then each boy gave out a "mentor" pin.  This is a new thing, allowing the boys to recognize someone instrumental in helping  him get his Eagle.  Connor chose one of his scout leaders, Everett Anderson.  He is a major scouter and really helped Connor alot.

  Then the stake gave them each a tie tack of a stripling warrior.  It was a nice night.  Kim and Mary drove up through an awful snowstorm to be there and brought most of Connor's cousins.  We are sooooo proud of him.  Here he is taking his Eagle Oath.


michandler said...

Congrats to Connor on a great accomplishment. I'm not sure any of my boys will ever get there.

crazy lady said...

Thata's a MAJOR accomplishment! Good for him (and all those who helped him achieve it!) My boys would never have gotten theirs' if not for the dedicated help of Chuck's mom. She was SO good helping them stay on track and keeping them going. I was the "grateful observer" you might say. I like the idea of the mentor pin. Gram W should have 3.
Anyway- Congrats all around! Looks like a great occasion. Your boys are growing up!

jo said...

Way to go, Connor! That has to feel so good (for all of you) to have under your belt. I love really does help them grow into good men..don't you think?

I'll make sure and show this Alec...another reason to look up to Connor ;)