Saturday, March 26, 2011

A conversation with Katie

Katie:  Mom, someone at the ski resort asked me today if you were there.  She said I looked just like you.  I'm sick of hearing that.
Me:  I'm sorry you're tired of hearing that.  Lots of people see to think you look like me.
Katie:  It's ok, Mom.  I think you're beautiful.  (Oh, how sweet)
Me:  Thank you.  I think you are more beautiful.
 Katie:  That's just because you are getting old, Mom.  (Sigh, back to reality)


Lost Woman said...

Ouch...Too funny!
Keep in mind that 20 is "old" to anyone under 18.

You are both beautiful...and most of that doesn't have to do with looks or age, but with the kind of people you are.

Allison Petersen said...

You were just being a good mom, truth is you are equally beautiful!! You will have to keep that one in the bag to bring back and haunt her in when the time is right;)

crazy lady said...

You need to inform the lovely Miss Kate (who does resemble her gorgeous mom :0) that you're not"officially" old until you get an invitation to AARP . From the mouth of my candid daughter...

So, rest assured you've got quite a way to go till then.

(that invite comes at 50 in case you're wondering.)

michandler said...

She is a beauty, but then so are you. Speaking as one close to that AARP thing I don't think you are officially old until you think you are! I don't think that yet and I sure hope you don't about yourself because what would that say about me. Cute exchange though and good to have a written record of it!

The Desiree said...

Love it!
Your kids still aren't as brutal as mine are!
But it is good to hear that someone elses kids are as "honest" as mine.

The Desiree said...

Oh Jason said to say he used to work with Billy at Teton Pharmacy. My e-mail address is if you ever need to chat (;