Wednesday, October 5, 2011


This summer, a lady Mike knew from Rotary invited us to her house to feed hummingbirds.  She had trained the birds to eat out of her hand.  She was moving, and wanted to share this experience with others before she left.  We thought it could be fun, so we loaded up the girls and drove up Logan Canyon to her house.  First, she taught them about hummingbirds.  She really loves her birds.  Then she gave them the food and let them give it a try.   The girls had to stand very still,

 which was hard because there were also many wasps around that day that wanted in on the sugar water.  However, they both had at least one hummingbird come to visit.

 Here are just a few random moments in the Wallace household.  One night when we were reading scriputres, Kenna fell asleep.  She was so still, no bobbing head, but she was completely out. She was also pretty mad at me when the flash woke her up and wanted to delete the picture, :)
Skyview had a cowboy and indians day for Homecoming week.  I'm not sure how they snuck it in, because it can't be politically correct, but the kids had fun with it.  This is Connor as a cowboy.  We thought he it was a good look for him.


The Desiree said...

That is so cool. I am so telling my mom about that, because she always has tons of hummingbirds. She needs to train them.
I love the sleeping picture!

michandler said...

What a cool thing to do with the hummingbirds. How fun! Poor Kenna, to be caught unawares not posing :-) Okay did Connor have a growth spurt or something?? That boy looks tall in that picture!

Lost Woman said...

The kids must have loved the hummingbird experience! I would, so of course I assume everyone else would.
Very cool.

I too am surprised your school had a non PC cowboy and indian day.
My good friend Jen (who is Navajo) just went the rounds with her local school whose students had a "savages" day. When the principal found out it was quickly taken off the table.