Sunday, September 27, 2009

Katelyn's Baptism Day

Yesterday Katie got baptized. Her primary teachers had given her a book about baptism that said it was one of the four most important days of her life. I hope she had a memorable day. I thought it was great. Here she is before. She didn't like the jumpsuit, because she felt like it was to tight when she tried to bend over. Her Dad baptized her.
This picture is on Sunday, before church. Look, she actually let me do something with her hair. This is how she really felt about all these pictures.

We had so much family support. All of the Wallace side came up for Saturday and Katie's Uncle Jeff did a fabulous job giving a talk about the Holy Ghost. My mom and dad and Aaron's family stayed here for the weekend. The cousins had so much fun and it was a terrific visit. Thanks to all. Thanks to Dad for the pictures. You're great.


michandler said...

Congrats to Katie on a momentus day. I remember thinking the same thing about the baptism suit. It was too short in the body and it rode up...nuff said about that. Great photos your dad took. Really like the one of the whole family. Katie looks very pretty in her with dress. She will always remember this day!

Lost Woman said...

Wow, you'd think in 35 years they could upgrade the suits a bit. I too remember the polyester zip up being very uncomfortable!

Perhaps we are all just too long in the body, but I feel the suit maker should account for this phenomenon.

Well, Miss Katie looks cute in her white duds. My favorite shot is her mugging, hands in mouth.

I still remember my grandparents coming for my baptism and I thought it was pretty cool.
It is great you have such supportive family.

crazy lady said...

What a grand weekend! Baptism, family, white dresses and weirdly built 70's jumpsuits. Those dang Mormons will not get rid of something til it wears out and you know polyester from the 70's will NOT disintegrate or decompose -the ETERNAL outfit.

The Desiree said...

Just think three down, one to go! Does that make you sad? I am glad everything went well!