Friday, November 14, 2008


I've spent the week thinking about my quirks. Instead of being quirky, which sounds fun and cute, I've come to the sad realization that I'm more quirkless, which is pretty boring. I even asked Mike and the kids, who can be my most honest, worst, critics and they didn't come up with much. Anyway, I came up with six things, although I'm not sure they all classify as "quirks". Here ya go.
1. I can't stand feeling other people's breath on my face. I have a weird phobia about breathing in their carbon monoxide waste. I can't sleep facing Mike and move if he or my kids sit to close when we are talking or whatever. Mike thinks this is pretty funny and tries to do it at night when we are talking on purpose.
2. I hate turtle necks, scarves, and even regular t-shirt necks. It makes me feel claustrophobic. I try to buy v-neck or rounded neck shirts. If I have a t-shirt with the regular neck, I cut a vee into it. All my workout shirts are like that.
3. I don't like watermelon. Every summer it looks so good and refreshing. Everyone else likes it. I usually try it once a year and still don't like it.
4. I am super sensitive to strong smells, both good and bad. I think this might run in the family, as I've heard a couple stories about Aaron too. Many times, Mike and the kids can't even smell what is bothering me. It causes problems sometimes. The ladies I visit teach have indoor dogs and I fight not to gag every time I go over there. Last Sunday at church I was sick to my stomach from this ladies perfume. Mike also gets a lot of laughs out of this one and I can't help it.
5. I can't leave the house w/o running back to check that my curling iron is off, even when I know it did turn it off.
6. Mike said I can't relax. I hate to admit it, but I think he's right. I have a hard time sitting and watching a movie, because there is always something to be done. I rush to much to do the "next thing". I think that's why I like camping. I feel like I can relax, because I'm away from all that "needs to be done."
Now that you know I"m crazy, I tag Ally, Farah, and Crazy Lady

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Brace Yourself

Here's Connor this morning. Pretty nice smile, right. I thought so too. However, the orthodontist disagreed with me. He showed me through lots of x-rays, molds, and pictures that Connor's smile wasn't living up to it's potential. On a bit of a separate note, are there any kids out there that don't need braces? And do they really all need them or is it just a conspiracy to make money. It's definitely expensive. I figured if my parents could do it for me, I better do it for my children, but sometimes I wonder. Braces have changed a bit since I had a metal mouth. It was interesting to watch the process. First they put bands on his back teeth. Connor said the glue tasted really bad. To set the glue on both the bands and the brackets, they used this cool laser.

Apparently, that sets the glue faster and easier than any other way by making the molecules in the glue vibrate. Yeah, I asked lots of questions. Then they cleaned Connor's teeth so the brackets would stick better. They put this awesome plastic thing in his mouth to keep him open for the next part. I thought he looked kind-of like the Joker.They put on this green stuff (technical terms from Amy) to open the pores in his teeth. I didn't know you had pores in your teeth. Apparently having them open also makes the glue stick better. The brackets went on next.

And here is the finished product. This is the after picture. I told Connor that today was the beginning of the end, when his teeth would be pretty, so this picture could also be a before. Connor was most excited about choosing what color of rubber bands would be on the brackets. His type of braces didn't even need these bands, but it is such a deal to the kids, they put them on for them anyway. He went with red and blue, although it probably isn't visible. Ah, those terrific pre-teen and early teen years. At least 75% of the other kids at his school are braced right along with him (conspiracy?)

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Happy Halloween! This is Kenna sporting a Halloween snack we had. Nice teeth. We spent Halloween in Layton with our cousins. This was kind-of a boring costume year for me. Easy, but not so fun. Katie decided a long time ago she wanted to be a "person dressed all in black with a sword." I asked her if she was a ninja. No, just a person dressed all in black with a sword. She found the hood in our dress up box and the rest was just clothes of hers. Connor was just this scary guy. He added the mask to last year's costume. He wasn't going to go at all until we decided to spend it with the cousins. Chase found his on the internet. It was called "scary jack". We thought he looked like the headless horsemen with his head on. Kenna wanted to be a princess, of course. This was the only one I got to make. I had found the fabric on clearance awhile ago and saved it. Here's a picture of the other Wallace family. We carved our pumpkins on the Wednesday before Halloween, because it was warm and we could do it outside. I guess we got some bum pumpkins because on Thursday when I took the pictures they were already going bad. Chase was pretty upset that his pumpkin was caving in already. We spent the weekend in Layton, celebrating Halloween and November birthdays. We had a great time playing games, football and Rock Band. I just may have to upgrade from Guitar Hero to Rock Band. It was fun. We even made the kids mad by having "adult time" on the game.