Thursday, April 14, 2011

The crutch of the matter

Anytime life gets to easy we need a new challenge, right?  About 8 months ago, my foot started to hurt.  I thought no problem, time for new workout shoes.  Got em, didn't work.  So I thought, no problem, I'll stop doing the exercises that hurt it most. Didn't work.  I thought, no problem, I'll live with it and it will heal eventually, you guessed it, didn't work.  In Oct. I went to a foot doc.  X-rays say no bone problems, but he thinks I have an inflamed seismoid.  Ok.  Takes a while to heal.  Have a cortisone shot, wear these pads in your shoe and ice it.  No problem,  I ask is there anything I shouldn't do.  He says don't do anything that makes it hurt. Oh, funny like walk.  Anyway, I go back one month later, it's not much better.  Doc says another cort shot.  Doesn't listen when I tell him pain has changed.  Says I told you it would take a long time to heal.  Decide this doc is conceited jerk.  Decide to live with it again.  Then in March, I went to another foot doc, more highly recommended.  He is baffled by my foot.  Says I am describing 2 different things, both inflammation and a neuroma(some nerve problem) but neuromas don't happen in that area of the foot.  He listened to me and was great, but I was just praying inwardly he would find something and be able to help me.  He tried one more cort shot and gave me inserts from my shoes, plus a whole list of things I shouldn't do.  Tried it faithfully one month, no better.  When I went back he did an ultrasound on my poor foot.  It looks as if a tiny little piece of this seismoid has broken off and is hanging out, no healing, but not breaking completely off.  I have 2 choices 1. surgery to remove it.  2.  Get some crutches and a boot, totally immobilize and keep all weight off the foot for 6 wks and see if it will heal.. Doc recommended #2, even though he isn't sure it will work.  He doesn't love to do that surgery.  So after that long story, the end is I'm on crutches for 6 wks.  It's a bit harder than I imagined, but luckily my kids and Mike are super great to help. We're just praying that it will work.  I don't make it to the computer much cause it's downstairs and I'm lazy.