Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

 Our ward has a Halloween Carnival every year.  The YW/YM put it on for the Primary.  It's awesome, all the kids love it and many, many families come out for the fun.  This is Kenna after she had her face painted.
This is the girls and I before school.  I was lucky (ha ha) enough to get to sub in Kenna's class that day.  I just recycled Mike's Musketeer costume, because it was easy.
                      Kenna was a genie (thanks to inheriting a costume box from my Grandma

 Connor wore this outfit for Cowboy day during Homecoming and decided to recycle it for Halloween.  He's a pretty good-lookin' cowboy.  He took Kennadee out trick or treating on round 1.

                   Chase was a hospital patient.  Warning:  next material no suitable for children.
                                        **************not his real bum**************
 Kate just wanted to be a fat clown.  This costume made me laugh every time she walked away from me.  She had a pillow stuck over her bum.  Her legs looked about a foot long and she would waddle.  So funny.

                                                               HAPPY HALLOWEEN

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fall Break 2011

For fall break this year, we got a condo in St. George.  It was very nice, except for the nasty fish smell in the corridor, thanks to the neighbors.  Our first day there, we spent on the red rocks above St. George.  All the kids went through this little crack, called the narrows.  I even got brave enough to try it.  

These are just some other shots around there.  It's so fun because you can just hike and run all over the rocks, plus you have a fabulous view of St. George.

Afterward, we headed over for a tour of Brigham Young's winter home and then back to the condo for some swimming.  Later that day, we headed for this fun place call Anti-Gravity.  It was full of  bouncy toys and trampolines.  The kids had so much fun and Con even split his pants jousting with Chase.
Our last day, we spent hiking and playing in the sand in Snow Canyon.  It was actually really hot, but still enjoyable.  Next time, we will take our bikes.  We finished out with more swimming and some billiards at the condo.  Mike kicked my trash.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Crazy Hair and Pumpkins

 The week before Halloween the girls school does a red ribbon week.  The real purpose to help kids say no to drugs, but it seem to me an excuse to have a little Homecoming week for Elementary.  It's fun.  For crazy hair day, Katelyn wanted a Mohawk.
 Honestly, I tried, but I just didn't know how to get her thick hair to do it.  We went with this instead.
 Kenna just wanted a little color.  That weekend we also carved our pumpkins.  Connor carved one, but didn't want a picture.

                                        I just love it when we can carve our pumpkins outside.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


This summer, a lady Mike knew from Rotary invited us to her house to feed hummingbirds.  She had trained the birds to eat out of her hand.  She was moving, and wanted to share this experience with others before she left.  We thought it could be fun, so we loaded up the girls and drove up Logan Canyon to her house.  First, she taught them about hummingbirds.  She really loves her birds.  Then she gave them the food and let them give it a try.   The girls had to stand very still,

 which was hard because there were also many wasps around that day that wanted in on the sugar water.  However, they both had at least one hummingbird come to visit.

 Here are just a few random moments in the Wallace household.  One night when we were reading scriputres, Kenna fell asleep.  She was so still, no bobbing head, but she was completely out. She was also pretty mad at me when the flash woke her up and wanted to delete the picture, :)
Skyview had a cowboy and indians day for Homecoming week.  I'm not sure how they snuck it in, because it can't be politically correct, but the kids had fun with it.  This is Connor as a cowboy.  We thought he it was a good look for him.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Double Digits

On Sept. 6, 2011, Katelyn left behind single digits forever, sigh.  She's ten.  That really is a milestone, but we don't always mark it as one.  We got to celebrate her birthday for 3 days over Labor Day weekend.  On Sunday, "the cousins" came up for dinner.  On Monday, we went minature golfing.  It would have been nice to have pictures of both of these, but hey, that's the way this year has gone.  Tuesday was the big day.

                                                   The first gift. opened before school.
                                                                  The loot
                                                                      The Cake
                                                            The candles
                                                    Monster cupcakes for the friend party
 The friends.  For her party, Kate just wanted to take some friends to play laser tag.  They had a ball.

First Day of School

 Connor's first day of HIGH SCHOOL.  Wow.  He had to go a day earlier than every one else.  Sept 23.  It was Sophmore day.  This was really nice.  Just the Sophs went and got tours of the school, etc. to help them feel more comfortable.  Mike got in all the first day of school pictures this year, but I only put this one on.
                                      Chase is the first to leave the house at 6:45.  Con goes at 7:30

                                                            Kate and Kenna leave at 8:30
                                                      First day of school treats.