Wednesday, April 16, 2008

OK Go - Here It Goes Again

Saw this today and thought it was funny/interesting. It looks like more fun that what you usually see people doing on treadmills

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Today is the first day of our spring break, and we are doing nothing!! Really. Sometimes I think it is nice to stay home. Two week ago, I had the chance to go to the conference center to attend the YW conference. The choir was girls from Cache Valley. Seven stakes were involved, so not many girls from each ward could be involved. We had four from our ward. It was interesting how it worked. It was actually a calling and the girls had to commit not to miss any practices. Each practice had a devotional and they were spoke to by some of the big guns, like Elder Nelson. Our stake was able to get tickets for all the rest of the girls, their mothers and leaders to attend. It was really great.

In other news Katie has lost two teeth and a third is hanging by a thread. She had her first soccer game, and although it was freezing, she did great and had fun. She isn't afraid to get out and kick the ball. I started volleyball. It was so much and fun and we won our first two games. Connor had his 12th birthday on Monday. He attended the Priesthood Conference with Mike. He was so excited. He is also pretty excited to go to YM. I can't quite believe it. We went to dinner with Mike's parents on Monday. Happily,Connor wanted cheesecake for his birthday and I made him a really yummy one with a brownie bottom.

He had some of his friends over on Wednesday for a late night party. NO more sleep overs, I can't handle it. After this party I say anyone who works with Deacons deserves an award. My boys had been saving their money and two weeks ago purchased a Wii. I was pretty proud of them for being able to save that much at their age. ( I have to admit, I won't give up real tennis anytime soon, but the Wii is pretty darn fun. Connor got a sore arm bowling) Anyway, the plan was for Connor and his friends to play the Wii some of the time and we also planned some party games for the rest. We attempted to play Apples to Apples, but honestly they were so loud, silly, and obnoxious I had to leave. They had a great time, and although I'm bragging, Connor is a great kid.

Kenna has now watched Enchanted a million times and is convinced that she is really a princess herself, named Annalise. She makes me laugh and often when I talk to her, she either asks to be called Annalise or tells me to "Go away, I'm playing my own game." She also recently told me she was going to marry the boy who runs the drive-through at Smoothie King. Is this normal talk for a 3 year old?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

(I can't delete this stupid picture and I don't know why. Sometimes I feel hoplessly illterate and I don't like it.)
I know that all of you who read my blog have been waiting breathlessly and wondering what is going on in my incredibly exciting life. HA HA HA HA HA HA. Really I know it's not that big of deal. I pretty much stink at keeping up on this and nothing exciting happens all that often. Here's some catch-up. In February, Chase turned 9. We celebrated over a few days. He took some of his friends for pizza and to a fun park. Mikes family came up on President's Day for dinner and games. Then we went to a movie. The best part was he didn't make me make a cake. My mom made the best cakes for us when we were little. Those cut up kind. So I thought it would be fun to do for my kids. They love it, I guess. I hate it. I seriously stink at it. You can't have every talent. My cakes have had so many serious goof-ups and looked so bad, Mike just laughs. Lucky for me, this time Chase wanted cheesecake, which I can totally do. Hooray for Chase. Here's a scary fact. When people ask who my kids look like, I really don't know or don't see it. They just look like themselves. A little while ago, our Primary asked for a picture of a parent at the same age as their child. Since I don't have many of Mike when he was little, I pulled out this one of me. I realized it was Chase with long hair. Crazy. All the kids in the primary knew it was his parent. Wow.

Katie is now signed up for soccer. She is so exicited that when we heard it was starting. she stared wearing her uniform every day. I had to practice with her when Connor wasn't available but she prefered him because "he knows what to teach me."
By the way, the snow is gone and we thought spring was coming. Then we woke up yesterday to 3 inches. Luckily, it is gone today. I am grateful for the moisture, I just prefer it as rain. Mike and I celebrated our 15th anniversary with a trip to (drum roll) Salt Lake City!!! It was actually really fun. We spent a day skiing a Deer VAlley. It was great just to be together without any little people for a few minutes. Now I am getting ready for Connor's 12th birthday. Holy cow, I can't believe he is twelve. How does this happen. Also trying to get our taxes in and preparing for some bedroom hoping (involves a lot of painting. ) We'll post some pictures later. Adieu for now.