Sunday, May 15, 2011

Catching Up

 A lot can happen in 5 weeks, even if I feel like I have spent a lot of it parked on my couch reading.  Good news-only one more week on crutches.  I can make it.  Thanks goodness for all the little trips and things to help this time go by faster.  Kate, Kenna and I mad this house over spring break from a cardboard box, egg cartons, and scrapbook paper.  Idea from Family Fun
 Connor turned 15 in April.  We were at  Mike's parents.  These pictures are before and after shower.  He can get his learners permit to drive now and has applied for a summer job teaching swim lessons.  We'll see if he gets it.

 Kate, Chase and Kenna went with Papa to buy some new chickens.  They had a great time holding them.

 Papa always serves at  least a 3 course breakfast to my kiddos.  He brings it all in to them.  They love it.
 Chase's first backpacking trip with the scouts.  In the rain.
 Kate gets braces.  Just on her front four teeth for now.

 Easter in Mackay.  My kids found 4 dozen eggs.  Seriously.  What do you do with that?  Kenna ran so fast, Grandpa couldn't keep up for pictures.

 Kate picked up this egg by the horse poop.  Gross, but she thought it was totally worth it-it was a dollar egg.
 Kenna found out Grandma and Grandpa's cherry tree was the perfect size for her to climb
 Awesome trip to Boise for Emily's baptism.  My kids fought over who would push me at the zoo.  Chase was a bit upset he won for this hill.

 Shosone Falls on the way home.
 Kenna's Tavaci concert.  They sing with actions.  She loves it

 Mother's Day with my favorite presents.
Kate and Chase sat on the Gators Swimming float for Smithfield's Health Days Parade.  One of my favorite oxymorons as they throw enough candy to fill a grocery bag.