Sunday, July 25, 2010


This summer in an effort to 1.  Keep our busy and active.  2.  Get them our of the house and 3.  Enjoy this beautiful place we live,  some of my neighbors and I decided to take our kids on a weekly hike.
 We've gone on two so far, and plan to do it the rest of the summer.  It's been fun to explore a little.  The first hike was just up Smithfield Canyon.   It was a little longer than I thought, Katie came home and fell asleep.  Last week was up the Logan Canyon Stokes Nature Trail.  It was easier and a good length.  My girls aren't quite up to going as far as the boys could.  We stopped and checked out the Stokes Nature Center on the way back, as well as stopping all along the way to throw rocks.

 I observed that all my children had a good time while hiking, but when we  got home Katie told me she didn't like it and it was No Fun At All.  I told her she might want to learn to like it as we would be going every week until school started.  Her reply?  I'll sure be happy when school starts.  :)  Next week:  Tony Grove