Monday, December 21, 2009
Quick Quote from Kenna
Kenna loves to "go play" with my neighbor, Michelle. Last week they were reading Rudolph. Kenna asked why the other reindeer didn't like Rudolph. Michelle explained to her that they didn't like him because his nose was different. Kenna's response was, "If my nose was red, EVERYONE would want one." You go girl.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Odd and ends
This is Katelyn's newest fashion trend. I'm not sure why and the bands don't have any special significance, she just likes the colors. She wears them all the time. I have to make her take them off for church. Of course, one Sunday I forgot and didn't notice until sacrament, so there they were, in all their glory.
This is a little outfit I did for a friend of mine. I went to a boutique earlier this fall where the girl had done something similar to this on a bunch of onesies and was selling a onesie for $20. It was cute and easy, so I wanted to try it. It actually took me a long time to find a baby girl shirt that was plain white. Drew up mine own little design and voila! It turned out pretty cute, I think.
Last, my kids got to see Santa yesterday. Every year the bank rents a theater, shows an older movie (at least one that's out on dvd) and has Santa come. The kids like it because they get a bag of candy before the show and a little bag of toys(that I hate) from Santa after. Kenna asked for a real camera that takes real pictures and Kate and Chase both asked for snowboards. Connor cried and said Santa was to scary :). 'm feeling a little retared because I don't know why the pictures went on this way. Gotta figure it out again. Happy day to you all. We also had a piano recital this week. Chase and Katie did really well, but I can't get my little videos of them to load. Maybe next time.
Monday, November 16, 2009
First Snow
My kids are so funny. It was lightly snowing Saturday when we got up. By the time we were done with breakfast, there was maybe 1/2 inch on the grass. Chase and Kate and Kenna got all decked out in their snow gear and went out to play. First they made some snow angels, then they got out the sleds and attempted to go down the slope of our yard. When that didn't work, they decided to make a fort. They were hauling smow from all over the yard. They were probably out there for two hours and had a great time. Hooray for snow.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me!
Birthdays aren't all that great once you're a "grown up", because you are just getting older. But my family was so nice to me today, I just wanted to thank them. Yesterday, Mike and the girls made this cheesecake for me, complete with "leaves" thanks Kenna, on the top.
Today, Mike made me a nice omelet with all of the vegetables in it that he doesn't like. Then at church, Katie kindly told everyone that yesterday my mom was 37, but today she is 38. After church, Katie asked what my favorite game was, so we could play as a family.
Then all the kids helped Mike make me a great dinner. I didn't have to cook all day and I even got a nap! Thanks to all my friends and family who remembered me. The best thing was getting some new skis! Bring on the snow.
For the last few years, I have used either Mike's old skis or Mike's mom's old skis, neither of which was quite the right length for me, so this will be great. Mike got some too, we got a pretty good deal at the ski swap. This is a picture of Katie's ankle.
About 2-3 weeks ago, she got a bunch of these wrist bands and put them on her ankles. She only takes them off for baths. I have to make her take them off for church. Just one of those weird kid quirks, I guess. I wanted to put it on here just so I could remember.
-Funny story for this week. I picked Chase up from school Thursday and as he got in the car, he said his backpack was dripping on him. I asked if he had a water bottle in there. He said no and so I thought it was probably just cold and that made it feel wet. We both forgot about it. Later that night, when he was taking out his homework, it was definately wet, so he started cleaning everything out of it. He put his hand in one of the smaller front pockets and pulled out part of a disinigrated milk carton and his hand was covered with curdled chocolate milk! Super bad smell coming out too. Turns out one week previously, this kid at his after school math club had given his milk to Chase. Chase then put it in his backpack to drink later at home and forgot about it. Milk in the backpack for a week = gross!!! We washed his backpack and cleaned up his papers as best we could. Stinky.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Katelyn's Baptism Day
Yesterday Katie got baptized. Her primary teachers had given her a book about baptism that said it was one of the four most important days of her life. I hope she had a memorable day. I thought it was great. Here she is before. She didn't like the jumpsuit, because she felt like it was to tight when she tried to bend over. Her Dad baptized her.

This picture is on Sunday, before church. Look, she actually let me do something with her hair.
This is how she really felt about all these pictures.
We had so much family support. All of the Wallace side came up for Saturday and Katie's Uncle Jeff did a fabulous job giving a talk about the Holy Ghost. My mom and dad and Aaron's family stayed here for the weekend. The cousins had so much fun and it was a terrific visit. Thanks to all. Thanks to Dad for the pictures. You're great.
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