Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Katie!

Happy Birthday Katie!! Katie's 8th birthday was Sunday, Sept 6. She is so excited to be 8 years old. I can't believe that my first little baby girl is 8. I remember being so excited be expecting
a baby girl and filling the closet with little pink and lavender outfits in preparation for her. Little did I know that she would hate both pink and purple. This is my girl who does not like to have her hair fixed and would rather be a ninja for Halloween than a princess. Katie is so tough, she often doesn't cry at all when she is hurt. She is a great soccer player but will not let me cheer for her because "it's to embarrassing." Katie is so far having a terrific year in school, thank goodness. Loves her teacher and has lots of friends. She is super determined and tries hard at whatever she tries. She is also very 8, an age I find to be defined by really bad jokes and lots and lots of attempts to be annoying on purpose. She often talks non-stop, especially during sacrament meeting. We love her so much and it really is joy to have her in our family. She is into horses right now and luckily my talented neighbor Michelle wanted( yes, wanted) to make her this awesome cake. We went out on Saturday for some fun, riding go-carts and playing at a playground, then eating at Angie's, Katie's favorite restaurant. She always gets a scone. On Sunday, she requested roast and mashed potatoes. Great-Grandpa Wallace came and had dinner with us. Then Thompson's came for cake and ice cream. Katie's presents included lots of crafts, which she is still enjoying working on and her favorite gift her own set of scriptures. We are looking forward to her baptism next week.

One other note, today I was released from YW after five years. It's an interesting time. Although I really loved the girls, I was definitely ready for a change. However, after that long a calling kind-of becomes part of your identity and it takes awhile to readjust yourself. A bittersweet day. I have been called to be Enrichment Leader. I'm still not sure about this one. I haven't ever been in Relief Society for more than 2-3 weeks for about 15 years. It will be an adjustment and challenge for me. Enrichment leader is definitely one of those callings where you can't please everyone and someone will always be complaining about what I do. I guess that will toughen me up. Mike's mom said it's time for RS because I'm getting older, which I am, but I'm not that old yet.


crazy lady said...

All I can say is Ohhhh!!! Katie is 8!?! And You've been 're-distributed". Sounds like an emotional roller coaster. You pretty much hit the nail on the head about the Enrichment calling...At least you know up front that you'll never please everyone and in "theory" that should provide a bit of respite. Katie isn't the only one that is a determined girl. And I'm sure you'll be fantastic in your new R.S."shoes". And as far as the older comment goes. I say "hogwash"! R.S. or any calling is what you make of it. You'll be grand!
And as you can see if you know the right people you can get others to do the things you aren't comfortable with( horse cakes)- it's all about delegation. Good luck!

michandler said...

Happy Birthday to Katie! A girl after my own heart--pink & purple come on! (You have that girl in Kenna though) Eight is such a milestone.
Who says RS is for when you are old?? I guess it's the same people who say primary is for the young and look who's teaching right now--me. Always a hard time when you change though. I'm sure you will do fantastic and definitely follow Crazy's advice--delegate, delegate, delegate! When I was the Homemaking counselor (now Enrichment) that's what I did. (And get yourself a great committee) You'll do great!

My Angels said...

Girl shmirly, I know boys that cry more than any girl I know, it is all personality! Sounds like she is great! I say make sure that the "youth" are represented in RS. That is why you are there!! I am not the enrichment leader, but am on the committee and I have a "stupendous Saturday" in a month, which would have been canceled because the presidency, all "older", would rather tie quilts!!

Lost Woman said...

Kate is 8!! (That must have been said a bunch.) What a great girl who knows how to hold her own. She is a trooper and a keeper, jokes and all.

Best wishes for your transitions into RS. 5years is certainly a long haul with the teens, but I think you really have a lot of fun innovative ideas you could bring to enrichment.

I'm not touching the "getting older" comment.

wallymom said...

I have to ammend this to say that it was actually Mike's Dad who told me I was getting older. He just fessed up today.

The Desiree said...

It was so good to see you at the BBQ! I know we didn't get to talk much, but such is life. Right?

Good luck with the baptism. Hopefully it won't be to stressful. I love baptisms.

Hey, I'm sorry you have to be in RS. No offense to anyone, but if they called me to be in there that is one calling I would really think about saying "NO" to. I guess you just have to know it was inspired. You are a better person than I am!

jo said...

HAPPY BIRHDAY, KATIE! Such a great kid! Looking forward to coming to your baptism this weekend :D

**Age has nothing to do with what calling you have, we need different things at different times in our lives....there's my 2 cents :)