Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer (maybe)!

It's so warm today, we have our fingers crossed that summer might actually be making an appearance.  It's good to see her!
Foot Update:  After 6 fabulous weeks on crutches, my foot still hurt when the doc pressed on it.  He felt something unusual and took an x-ray (a different angle than normal apparently) and found a lump of bone growing where it shouldn't on my big toe bone.  He had never seen it before.  Now, after an MRI and consulting with a podiatrist in Washington State with many more years experience, he is fairly certain this little bone wart is causing all my pain.  The Washington doc has also never seen this, is kind-of excited about it and thinks my doc should "write it up"  Not sure how I feel about this.  Definately don't think it's "cool".  Anyhow I will probably have surgery to remove this in the next month or so, when I have time.

More exciting and fun news, my neighbor and friend, Michelle and I are trying to start a prom dress rental business.  I don't know if it will work, but we have been having lots of fun.  Michelle explained it very well on our blog  Check it out
 Kenna had her 7th birthday.  The best present of all was having her best friend Gracie come from Rexburg for the weekend.  These two just don't forget each other and when they get back together, it's like they were never apart.  We are looking forward to a weekend with them in Aug.

 Kenna also "graduated" from 1st grade.

 Last Tuesday, we had a very fun day at Lagoon with our Wallace family.  It was actually warm.  The big kids took off on their own and tried to ride every ride in the park.  They almost made it.  Mike and I spent most of our time with Kenna.

Connor is taking drivers ed.  He will be done today and we will get his learner's permit and start practicing. That's it for now.


Lost Woman said...

Oh you must be so frustrated about that foot! (I'd be peeeeved!)

I'm so sorry to hear it didn't work out. If you were an artist you could make great work about your mystery bone. .....little consolation.

Happy Birthday Miss Kenna!! How great she got to see her siamese twin.

As for Connor driving....well, it just adds to the whole getting old thing for me. (:

michandler said...

Weird about your foot but it's nice they finally identified the problem. It would really stink if you had gone thru all of that and they still didn't know. Happy Birthday to Kenna--cute as ever. Connor driving? All I can refer you to is consecutive car blogs regarding Tucker. Spencer is driving now too just waiting to turn 16 to get his license. He is a much more cautious driver than Tucker--at least at this time. Teenage drivers! Scary!!

crazy lady said...

I certainly relate to the summer - maybe comment...Looks like you got to take advantage of a nice day at Lagoon. I used to go every year when I taught at the junior high. Apparently they have a lot more cool rides now...
It can NOT be right that Kenna is 7! Could you check your dates please? I'm sure she must be turning 5 maybe? But the photos kind of deny that - she IS looking like quite the young lady - wacky as ever though :0)
I bet Connor will be a good driver- He just seems like he would be...wait til those girls get behind a wheel though! Boy howdy!
Thanks for the update.Nice post :0)

crazy lady said...

Oh yeah, I think the prom dress rental is a GRAND idea! We have a couple places here that do gangbuster business and it really provides a service for some girls who cannot afford to go if a dress is a bazillion dollars.

Bad deal about the foot...Like you want to be a medical anomaly...HOpe they can get it fixed and you back on your own two feet again soon.

Allison Petersen said...

I had been wondering how things worked out with your foot. I am sure that it depends on the day whether the cup is half empty or half full, so sorry:(
DRIVING!! Again, cup half full or empty?)
Your little Kenna is cuter than ever, Happy Birthday!!

The Desiree said...

I swear some times I could do a better job than doctors do at figureing out what is wrong with people. The exciting thing will be getting to be back on crutches after the surgery. Just give up that's what I do.
Awesome idea for the prom dress thing. You should do it with wedding dresses too. Okay bad idea. Where do you store all those dresses?
Happy birthday kena. I can't wait till one of my kids can drive then someone else can drive everyone everywhere. Here's to Connor the taxi driver.

jo said...

Sorry about the foot :( I'll say it again...DUMB DOCTORS...they scare me! Wishing you all the best with surgery and hoping that will be the end of it for you :)

Happy Birthday, Kenna! Man, these kids are just growing up too fast!

Connor driving??? I knew it was coming but, again, these kids are growing up too fast!

Good Luck with your business venture! That's fun and exciting!