Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME!

I am so far behind on my blog and there is so many other things I want to catch up on (like half of Sept and all of October) but I just have to share with all 5 of my readers what my sweet (I think) husband and my very good friend, Michelle did for my birthday.  On Tuesdays, Connor and I leave for swim practice at 5:15.  We pulled out of the garage to this:
It was dark and I really didn't get to appreciate it in all it's glory until I got home.  After I drop Con off, I just stay to work out.  I walked into the work-out room to see this on the front wall, with some balloons.
The picture is after I got home, cause I just didn't think to take my camera to spinning.  Here's what the rest of my front yard looked like:

We live 1/2 a block from the elementary school.  It was pretty funny to watch the kids that walk by our house.  Also fun to watch the cars go by, slow down to read the signs.  It's good to be loved.


crazy lady said...

OmGOSH!!! That is the BEST EVER!!! I bet cars and kids DID slow down :0)
You DO have a great husband and family (I think it's a nice reflection of what a great person the birthday girl is...) Just does NOT seem possible that you are 40 though! What the heck? Of course the fact that you don't look anywhere near that contributes to the disbelief as well...
Hope the next 40 are fun!

Lost Woman said...

Oh MAN, I was sooo going to remember and send you an ecard. Yeah... is it NOvember?

Happy 40!!
First of all, anyone who manages to get up before 7am deserves some sort of award. Period.

So glad your hubby and friend made it a funny and fun day.

Welcome to the 40s, the water is fine, a bit blurry, but fine.

The Desiree said...

Oh my gosh, that is the best day of my life!!!

Where on earth did he come up with that? The real question is where did he get all the bras, and where was he keeping them?

I love, love, love it. That is the funnest ever. He made it a special day for sure. You are loved and it shows. He gets two thumbs up from me!

michandler said...

That is freaking hilarious! What a funny husband & friend. I bet people DID slow down going by your house--especially there in Utah. I'm surprised nobody called you about it. Way too funny. The 40s are super--speaking as someone who is about to leave them behind in a few months. Enjoy!

jo said...

No way! That is hilarious! So risqué in Smithfield, UT...heehee! How fun.


The Skiing Wallaces said...

Oh my- this is so funny, I could die! Thank you for the great idea. I'm going to archive this into my "great ideas" folder in my brain to be used at a later date! Hope you had a great day :)